Not all toys can walk.

I came across an article online which questioned whether toys which reflect disability are a good thing.

Children often use toys to tell their stories. My son does.

Meet Tina. Adam named her and told me she needed a powered wheelchair. He wanted her chair to be blue, like his.

She is a full time wheelchair user and cannot stand up at all.

Sometimes she can’t visit her friends because she can’t get in.

Tina likes to go out out with her friends. She likes to have lunch with her friends.

Tina needs a wee.

But she can’t go in.

Tina is sad.

She has to go home.

Tina cries.

I am so glad that Lego enables my son to have toys he identifies with and which can help to tell his stories.

I wish he could use it to tell happier stories though.

Unfortunately, this is his experience, so these are the stories he tells.

Most people have probably never thought about how a wheelchair user manages to use the toilet.

Most people probably haven’t even been inside the “mystical room with a wheelchair logo on the door”.

You probably assumed it had everything needed to enable people who use wheelchairs. That is what the logo suggests.

Next time you are out somewhere, take a look at the “disabled toilet” and ask yourself if you would be able to use it if you were a wheelchair user who could not walk or stand at all.

Who needs Changing Places toilets? 

Any one of us might.






2 thoughts on “Not all toys can walk.

  1. I think that’s fabulous that your son can express stories and thoughts through his Lego toys! And there’s no reasons why toys shouldn’t reflect the disabled in society, it seems to be a very inclusive thing! It is a massive massive shame though, like you say, that your son’s stories are so sad. I used to be a nurse, both in acute hospitals and the community, so hospitals were obviously always equipped with what disabled people needed, and we’d work with OTs to make sure patients had the adaptions they needed in their homes. I think habit has kept it in my mind to often think ‘how would a disabled person get in there,’ ‘this pavement is too narrow for a wheelchair,’ and ‘where would you go to the toilet here if you were disabled.’ To some extent, having a pushchair also put similar thoughts in my had sometimes!! But for you, where its a constant and relentless worry, it must get very draining and tiresome xx


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