The poor, dear “fully disabled toilet”.

This is part of a response from a business I contacted to discuss the need for toilets with a hoist and changing table. “I am afraid that we don’t currently have a toilet with a hoist and adult changing bed but we do have a fully disabled toilet.” Yes, that is the problem! Your toilet is fully disabled -it… Continue reading The poor, dear “fully disabled toilet”.

Some wheelchair users do and some wheelchair users don’t.

Wheelchair users often get some strange looks from able-bodied people. Especially if they create a miracle in the supermarket by rising from their chair to reach the higher shelves. Or by getting up and walking to a table in a restaurant. People use wheelchairs for a variety of purposes. Some people can walk, but not far.… Continue reading Some wheelchair users do and some wheelchair users don’t.

EHCPs – our reality!

Before my disabled son came into my life I was blissfully unaware of all the difficulties some parents have in getting their children’s needs met. I assumed that the right wheelchairs were provided when needed. I assumed that the right school places were available. I assumed therapy needs were met. Then along came Adam! You might… Continue reading EHCPs – our reality!