We all do it – even Elves!

Some days you have to be brave. Here is a photo like no other that I am likely to ever share again. Please be kind, I did it to raise awareness of something really, really important. Would you take a photo of yourself on the toilet? No? Because it is a personal matter? Something which… Continue reading We all do it – even Elves!

It shouldn’t happen to an Elf.

Alfie the Elf taken to his bed and will not even look up. He is devastated. He is embarrassed and doesn’t want to go out any more. Alfie went to Sainsbury’s Superstore in Penzance, choosing it because it is a great store with wide aisles – nice and spacious for moving about in his wheelchair. Shopping… Continue reading It shouldn’t happen to an Elf.

The day the world began to shrink.

Three years ago today is when my son’s world started to shrink. It is also the day that Bristol Children’s Hospital saved his life. His spine was badly curved and crushing his internal organs. His ribcage on his left side was tucked inside his hip bone and he was struggling to eat or drink. Without the operation to insert… Continue reading The day the world began to shrink.

A little-known fact about Santa…

It is not widely known, but Santa is an equal-opportunities employer. Every Elf is encouraged to fulfill their full potential and every Elf is valued equally. Which is why Santa has been rather cross to read some online comments recently – comments which relate to the value of disabled people, in particular, those who require… Continue reading A little-known fact about Santa…

“Pushed out” of school.

“Saying ‘it’s a learning curve’ does not make anything acceptable.” An old Facebook post popped up on my screen, and as I read it, my head and heart were flooded with all the feelings from that time. Adam had been in school for two months. I am sharing this because analysis of government statistics by a… Continue reading “Pushed out” of school.

Wheels, Wild Food and Fun!

Life has plenty of battles for disabled people but, every so often, somebody gets everything totally right and I love to share those moments. A few months back I saw a family foraging walk advertised and really wanted to try it, but I really wasn’t sure about wheelchair accessibility or if my son would even cope with strangers being… Continue reading Wheels, Wild Food and Fun!