The big faker!

We were excited at the idea of watching Pete’s Dragon at the cinema.

We wanted to see the film and it was a bonus that we could see it for free as part of the Into Film Festival. A free cinema trip is a welcome joy for any parent!

However, last night Adam started to worry.

There are no Changing Places toilets in the city centre and he knows he was uncomfortable last time we tried. He was also upset that we couldn’t go out to lunch with friends after the film – EVERYONE ELSE COULD!

This morning he woke up, told me he was too poorly to go and then started to do some impressive coughing. He has always had quite a weak cough so I didn’t think he could fake a good cough like this.

Turns out he can!

Not one single cough since I cancelled our booking.

We had a film afternoon at home with snacks, drinks and smiles. Doesn’t look at all poorly, does he?

I can’t be cross with him for pretending to be ill. At that point he was so anxious he wasn’t able to put his feelings into words. So he found another way to tell me. Then later, when less anxious, he was able to use the words he had wanted to say earlier.

My 10 year old would rather not go to the cinema than risk such discomfort and sadness, or  worse – an accident in front of his friends.

Wouldn’t you feel the same?

Earlier this year I read something which made me cry. And which still does, every time I think about it.

She said that her father had motor neurone disease and could now only go out with the family if there was a toilet with a hoist. This man who loved spending time with his family was already unable to do so many of the things he had previously enjoyed and was now unable to sit in a theatre and watch a show.

Just because it lacked a hoist and adult sized changing table.

We should all be horrified.

We should all understand that this could be us.


Updated April 2017

Shortly after this was originally published I was contacted by a man who told me that he had barely left his home for 10 years.

Because the thing my son was afraid of had actually happened to him.

How many adults are trapped in their homes due the same fear?

One day, it could be any of us.

Sign this petition HERE.

You can help.


22 thoughts on “The big faker!

  1. Awful, can’t believe how this can still be ignored. Lovely pics of Adam, but he could have been with his friends out in the community, as we are told is good for us all.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sorry to hear this. I wish this could change so he could have enjoyed some fun with his friends. I am glad to hear that you had a nice time at home though, but I am sure it wasn’t the same. #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. It really isn’t acceptable. The cinema, of all places, should be a place where disabled people can take part in an activity with friends without being disadvantaged. Everyone sits down to watch a film and Adam even brings his own chair!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That really is such a shame 😦 There are things you’d have expected you didn’t have to worry about, but this is just so unacceptable 😦 I hope something does help resolve this so that Adam and your family/friends can enjoy the theatre together! x


  4. That is so very sad that he felt he needed to fake illness because he was so afraid of being humiliated due to insufficient facilities. Carry on doing your wonderful work raising awareness of this important issue and I hope more businesses and government will take notice and start to change things. Everyone should be able to go to the theatre. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

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