Meet Mobiloo Adam!

My son has a mobile toilet named after him. And we are delighted! You might laugh, and it does sound funny, but Adam is completely thrilled. “Mobiloo Me!!!” It might seem a little strange that a mobile toilet has been named at all, let alone that someone would be excited about it being named after them,… Continue reading Meet Mobiloo Adam!

If I ran the zoo, it would have a loo!

Some time ago, almost 2 years ago, I wrote to the zoo. They didn’t send me a pet, in fact, they didn’t even reply. It was the start of a lengthy, and often one sided, conversation! Yet all we want to do, is go to the zoo. Like other people do, because, we are “other… Continue reading If I ran the zoo, it would have a loo!

We all do it – even Elves!

Some days you have to be brave. Here is a photo like no other that I am likely to ever share again. Please be kind, I did it to raise awareness of something really, really important. Would you take a photo of yourself on the toilet? No? Because it is a personal matter? Something which… Continue reading We all do it – even Elves!

The poor, dear “fully disabled toilet”.

This is part of a response from a business I contacted to discuss the need for toilets with a hoist and changing table. “I am afraid that we don’t currently have a toilet with a hoist and adult changing bed but we do have a fully disabled toilet.” Yes, that is the problem! Your toilet is fully disabled -it… Continue reading The poor, dear “fully disabled toilet”.