Iraq War Veteran, Changing Places user.

I was blown up in Iraq in 2003. I was left paralysed and bladder & bowel incontinent.  Disability really can and does happen to anyone. However, I had one good arm left  and was able to manage my bladder and bowel needs very well using Conveen sheaths and rectal irrigation along with anal plugs. Life… Continue reading Iraq War Veteran, Changing Places user.

AIBU? (Yes, I read Mumsnet!)

What is your expectation of a simple family day out? Maybe a walk, a trip to a park and a spot of lunch? And you would anticipate it all being rather fun, maybe even relaxing if your child is a bit older. It seems reasonable! We parked and headed along a well loved and popular… Continue reading AIBU? (Yes, I read Mumsnet!)

What is this “ideal world”?

I am fed up with hearing that “in an ideal world everything would be accessible, but it isn’t an ideal world“. What the heck does that mean? What an enormous load of nonsense!!! Believe me, disabled people already know that the world is far from ideal. Disabled people live it every single day! You saying… Continue reading What is this “ideal world”?

MPs are only human…

A campaign supporter has been in touch due to a troubling response from her MP to her request that they support Paula Sherriff MP with her Accessible Toilets Bill in November. Here it is… “I am all in favour of Changing Places Toilets being installed in places where that is feasible and reasonable – and… Continue reading MPs are only human…

When caring causes disability…

The last few weeks/months have been painful. I have struggled to move. Sitting has been hard, standing even worse, and I have been walking like I just pooped my pants. (LIKE!!! – I haven’t really!) This is the reality for a full time carer to a disabled person. I don’t work office hours, heck, there… Continue reading When caring causes disability…

When discrimination comes from “disability groups”…

I can understand that not all mainstream groups understand all areas of accessibility or inclusion. I can understand that they haven’t thought about the barriers faced by disabled people. And I can even understand how they might not realise that they need to change. But there is no excuse for groups which profess to exist… Continue reading When discrimination comes from “disability groups”…

Taking on The Entertainer…

Sometimes bad experiences happen. We can let them affect us, or we can take action. I want my son to know that he does not have to accept every inequality that he faces. I want him to know that he can bring change. And I want him to know that he can help make sure… Continue reading Taking on The Entertainer…

When your future is different.

From the moment you know you are expecting a baby, you start dreaming and planning the future. You imagine your baby. Holding your baby. Loving your baby. Beautiful and brilliant. A happy baby. So much to look forward to. First words. First steps. Running to you, Throwing their arms around you, Smothering you with kisses. So… Continue reading When your future is different.

Some wheelchair users do and some wheelchair users don’t.

Wheelchair users often get some strange looks from able-bodied people. Especially if they create a miracle in the supermarket by rising from their chair to reach the higher shelves. Or by getting up and walking to a table in a restaurant. People use wheelchairs for a variety of purposes. Some people can walk, but not far.… Continue reading Some wheelchair users do and some wheelchair users don’t.

Good things do not come to those who wait, and wait, and wait…

The ‘Equality Bus’ is not coming. It broke down many miles away and no new service is planned. All those who wished to board are asked to wait patiently. There are plans to consider getting it moving at some point, but probably not this year. Maybe not next year either – it is, after all, a complicated business! I keep… Continue reading Good things do not come to those who wait, and wait, and wait…